The Metamorphosis Report

Just as in nature, where caterpillars become beautiful butterflies, consumer behavior experiences its own form of metamorphosis driven by a variety of factors like societal changes, economic and seasonal shifts and environmental concerns.

This report, co-authored by Dotdash Meredith, America's largest publisher, and Assembly, examines the transition from the end of the Covid pandemic into the period of spring renewal in 2024 and reveals the many factors influencing consumers’ priorities in a post-pandemic world.

Whether you’re a marketer, business strategist or innovator, “Metamorphosis” offers invaluable insights and actionable data that will equip you with the knowledge to stay ahead in an ever-changing market.

We set out to understand changes in consumers’ mindsets, values, and motivations and their implications for brand marketers regarding when to show up at the right moment with the right message.

  • Be more empathetic. Professional growth is taking a backseat to personal self-care. 9 of the 10 top priorities involve physical and mental well-being. For those whose emotions were more negative (uncertain, anxious), finance goals took the cake.

  • Be their ally! Consumers are drawing on the power of a larger community. 85% expressed positive emotions (hopeful, motivated, excited, etc.) but they know it takes a village. They continue to turn to their inner circle of family and friends for support while widening their outer circle to include media for specific guidance.

  • Expect the Unexpected. We live in an internet culture with unpredictable trends. Where Streaming influences Style and Sports influences Culture (to name a few!). Use real time intelligence to be a part of the conversation not behind it.


Monumental Change Focuses Consumer Attention

  • Since the pandemic, consumers have been most impacted in four areas of their lives — relationships, health & wellness, finance and self-care — and these topics remain important to them as they head into spring 2024.


Craving Connection + Community

  • The need for human connection is universal. During the pandemic Americans realized the critical nature of social interactions—online or IRL—to overall well-being. In communities, marketers have the chance to talk, to explore, and understand and better support motivations and underlying values that are driving behaviors.

  • Authenticity is key. Consumers are suffering from “perfection fatigue.” Life is messy, not perfect—and that’s ok. Acknowledging imperfections and honest experiences is essential to building loyalty and trust.

Consumers increasingly want raw & unfiltered realness, plus tackiness, ugliness and weirdness. All is accepted if it’s a true expression of one’s identity.

- Foresight Factory


Expect The Unexpected

  • Learning from past breakthroughs, advertisers can create frameworks for the future to tap into consumers’ interests and values as opportunities emerge to launch new products or product extensions.

Download the report.